For a cooking book to succeed these days, it has to be written by a celebrity or it has to be in a unique niche. With all the free recipe websites out there featuring thousands of recipes and vetted by amateur cooks at home, there is no place left on the market for general […]
Bargain Prices for Top Prospect Autographs
I collect baseball autographs. I enjoy compiling these lists of prospects so I can buy autographs of future stars before they become famous. To put my money where my mouth is, back in 2016 I went autograph bargain-hunting at Check Out My Cards. I set a price limit of $3 and went through my list, […]
Mentor Focus: James Altucher
With the Internet and social media, almost anyone can be your mentor. They don’t even need to know you exist. Just pick a person whose work you admire and follow them on the Internet. In the Mentor Focus series, I profile the people I follow online. My wife once asked me, “if you could have […]
Eastern Pennsylvania Attractions Rated
During the summer of 2014, I brought the family on a road-trip to Eastern Pennsylvania. We had a blast. I’ve rated each of our destinations here using my Travel Destination Rating System: We also visited many restaurants, listed here by how much we enjoyed them (ordered most enjoyable to least enjoyable):
The Key to a Lasting Marriage
Most people will tell you that the key to a lasting marriage is compromise. I agree. But it goes deeper than that. Compromise is just one component of a bigger attribute. I’ve been married for more than 13 years. We’ve had ups and downs. Let me tell you, compromise alone would not have kept our […]
Luck and Baseball
Like in every game, there is a lot of luck involved in baseball. Skill is not the only determinant of whether you win or lose. One thing that has always fascinated me is the relationship between Earned Run Average (ERA) and winning. The ERA is a pitching stat calculated by dividing the number of earned […]