This flash fiction piece was an experiment where I attempted to turn a song into a story. I took “Sticks” by George Saunders and asked ChatGPT-4 to reimagine the story based on lyrics from “A Bolt of Blazing Gold” by Dark Tranquillity. I think it turned out beautifully.
Powering Your Pantry: The Gym-Mill Hybrid
The gym-mill hybrid is a groundbreaking concept that bridges the gap between fitness and sustainability. While it offers incredible benefits like encouraging healthy living, building community, and promoting environmental consciousness, the challenges in its implementation should not be underestimated.
How to Attain Wealth and Happiness
In “The Almanack of Naval Ravikant,” author Eric Jorgenson compiles the wisdom of entrepreneur, philosopher, and investor Naval Ravikant, presenting the idea that getting rich and achieving happiness are not products of luck or innate traits but learnable skills, and guides readers to explore these principles rather than providing a simple how-to or step-by-step gimmick, helping them forge their unique paths to a happier, wealthier life.
In 1876, the National League (NL) was founded by Chicago businessman William Hulbert, marking a new era in baseball. Eight initial teams were assembled, and the Chicago White Stockings won the first season with a 52-14 record. The game’s rules were different then, but the NL’s establishment was a key step in transitioning baseball from a disorganized pastime to a structured professional sport, shaping the game as it is known today.
All-Star Analysis of Players, version 2 (ASAP2)
The goal of All-Star Analysis of Players (ASAP) is to identify baseball Hall of Fame players as early as possible before they are inducted into the Hall of Fame. The ASAP system described here identifies players when they reach the halfway point Hall of Fame status. How It Works An all-star team is constructed for each […]
Hasbro is reviving interest in Dungeons & Dragons and experimenting with technology and their crowdfunding platform to innovate and stay relevant amid changing consumer trends.