The tornado sirens began just as Amanda started up her pickup truck in the dark of the night and sped off the property, spraying gravel back at her fiancé’s house. She saw Brent through the rearview mirror as he charged out to the porch and put his hands on his hips, an anguished look on […]
Touki Toussaint
STATUS: Prospect Touki gave up on baseball at age 10 because he had trouble making contact with the ball as a batter. However, two years later a bet with a friend brought him back to baseball. He was a first round draft pick of the Arizona Diamondbacks in the 2014 MLB Draft. He currently pitches […]
Bryse Wilson
STATUS: Prospect Bryse is currently a starting pitcher for the Pittsburgh Pirates. So far, he is perhaps best known for being the Game 4 starter for the Atlanta Braves in the 2020 NLCS, where he pitched 6 innings and only gave up 1 run. Autograph Card 2019 Gypsy Queen Autograph #GQA-BW Rookie Card 2019 Topps […]
Ideas for Setting up Your Blog
I didn’t pay much attention to plugins when I first started blogging with WordPress. Then I started getting comment spam. It began as a trickle touting insurance, male enhancement, and gambling. Then it became an unmanageable torrent of comment spam. Hackers attacked my site with scripting and brute force password attacks. That’s when I realized […]
The Three Goals for Becoming Wealthy
I see wealth like it is flowing water. I work, and the paychecks I receive is water flowing into the reservoir of my bank account. When I spend money, I draw water out of the reservoir. Sometimes I spend too much and the reservoir shrinks as the water leaves. Other times, I draw as much […]
Go Deep, or Go Wide?
When you’re learning something, you can either go deep and master a narrow topic, or go wide and learn the basics of a range of subtopics falling under a broad topic. A third option is to stay somewhere in the middle. It’s safer in the middle, but you won’t learn the range of possibilities, and […]