I’ve used my money in many ways during my adult life. Some things were a waste of money. Others were worth the money. This article is not about those things. This article is about the things I bought that were worth much more than what I paid for them. Some things you buy just overdeliver […]
Actions for Mindset
It’s hard to find success when your head is a mess. You might be your own worst enemy. But once you’re at peace with your mind, everything will fall into place. Why? Because your mental state is what drives all your actions. And your life can only improve through action.
Ideas for Blog Topics
A hook is the broad idea of your blog. It is like an elevator pitch. It is what you tell someone when they ask, “So, what’s your blog about?” One blog I built finally gained a fair number of readers. It was because it had an interesting hook: baseball card collecting. The hook was, “I […]
Age-Normalized Family Album
I have three kids, ages 11, 9, and 6. Like many parents, I took loads of pictures of them, especially when they were very young. After we had our third child, I thought it would be really cool to compare him with his siblings at the same age. I dug up similar photos of all […]
Dream Sequence 8: Dark Chest of Wonders
The old man had died several days ago and his house was empty. The house was a dilapidated structure, its wooden walls rotting. It stood in a hollow surrounded by oaks in a remote mountain laurel. It had been built before any of the trees around it had grown.
Dream Sequence 7: Dungeons & Dragons’ Crap
The chamber was cavernous, lit with burning torches spaced evenly along the walls. A musty mix of rot and death hung in the air. The voices of dozens of orcs and goblins rang against the walls, echoing down the corridor in which we now stood.