Everyone has a smartphone these days, and every company developing for smartphones is competing for your attention. It’s no wonder so many people struggle with focus. On the internet, there are two main methods of getting data: push and pull. When you load a web page, you’re pulling the data from the internet servers. When […]
A Four-Dimensional Internet
Information on the internet today is arranged three-dimensionally, much like the information in a library. In a library, you look up the location of a particular book with the information you need. You go to that location and find the book, then you open the book and find the page with the information you need. […]
Full-Sense Virtual Reality
The problem with most virtual reality (VR) today is that it caters only to one or two of our five senses. Unless we use our imaginations, we never actually think we’re somewhere else when we don a virtual reality headset. The five basic senses are sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste. Current virtual reality technology […]
2021 Baseball Hall of Fame balloting
The 2021 Baseball Hall of Fame ballots were just released yesterday. I’m not a member of the Baseball Writers’ Association of America, so I can’t vote, but it’s always fun to speculate what I would do if I could. I don’t believe in withholding the Hall of Fame from players suspected of taking steroids, or […]
Metering of Necessities
Every household has certain necessities that must always be in stock. Things like toilet paper, hand soap, and hot sauce (at least in my household). Whenever the supply of any of these necessities gets low, I have to put it on my shopping list and buy it on my next trip to the store. Wouldn’t […]
Storing Heat Energy into Batteries
I’m not a physicist or an engineer, so when it comes to electricity and batteries, I don’t know what I’m talking about. That’s precisely why I’m putting this idea here. From my limited understanding of electricity, you can generate it by spinning a metal coil over a magnet. You can spin the coil using a […]