In The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up, decluttering expert Marie Kondo teaches how you can clear the clutter out of your life so you can focus only on the things that “spark joy.” Here are my favorite twelve takeaways: There are really only two steps involved in tidying: discarding and deciding where to keep things. […]
Blog Ideas: Introduction
Many blogs fail because the blogger stopped coming up with new ideas. This book will give you ideas and solve your writer’s block once and for all.
Introduction to The Life Actionbook
This book is a workbook (of sorts) for finding the areas for improvement in your life and fixing them. Each chapter discusses one area of life.
A Ghost of Solitude
As the man’s boots crunched through the twigs and leaves along the mountain path, his thoughts went back to his wife. Her funeral was last Sunday. Breast cancer, and she was only forty-one. God had taken the last thing he truly loved in life. Now he just walked. Morning until night, he walked his empty Earth. Was God really so cruel?
How Long Does It Take to Close on a House?
A homebuyer can expect to spend a month or two shopping for a house. But the transaction doesn’t end when the seller accepts an offer from a buyer.
Baseball Cards as Investments
I’ve always assumed that the stock market is a much better investment than baseball cards. In this article, I will explore whether that assumption is correct or not.