People take for granted the services their social media sites provide. They take for granted that they can share photos with family and connect with old friends online for free. But what if a social media platform made users work to stay a member of the community? In real life, if you want to be […]
There Are No Shortcuts in Life
Humans are social creatures. We enjoy the feeling of belonging to a community. One way we find meaning in our lives is to help others. Over the years, we try things. We make mistakes. We learn from the mistakes. And we try not to repeat the mistakes. Life is a progression of doing things and […]
The Most Influential Books I’ve Read
I read a lot of books. Most of the books I read don’t do much to change my life. Some of them, however, change everything. Everyone needs to have a Bible in their life. Whether it’s The Bible, some other religious text or a secular book doesn’t matter. Everyone needs a book to live their life […]
History Through Newspapers
One way to make learning history more attractive and intuitive is to show mock newspaper front pages. Each front page would show the current events of a particular time and place from the point of view of the time. Each day in history can have its own mock newspaper front page. Each front page would […]
How to Measure a Person
There is a saying that says everybody gets 15 seconds of fame in their lives. Talk to an elderly person and ask what his or her most famous moment was, and you might be surprised. Time forgets everything eventually. Even the person with the lowliest appearance in old age was mighty once… for 15 seconds. […]
Back Diary
Diaries have been around for a long time. You use one to record your current thoughts so you can look back on them in the future. The “Back Diary” is where you record your past and present thoughts so you can look back on them in the future. A conventional diary starts when you start the diary. […]