Many Internet-users today have user-generated content spread across several different social networking and review sites. It would be helpful to find all of a user’s public content displayed on one page in one timeline. A similar concept called “nameplate sites” already exists. However, nameplate sites are only pages with links to a user’s various internet profiles and […]
Build Your Team of Trusted Advisors
Building a team of trusted advisors isn’t something only the President does. Everybody has areas of knowledge they don’t know much about. Even for topics that you’re knowledgeable in, you don’t know everything. That’s why it’s important to get advice from others. Warren Buffett might be the most celebrated stock picker in history. But he […]
How She Sold 80,000 Books
With the launch of Kindle in 2007, Amazon started a revolution in the publishing industry. The Kindle cut out the middle-men and allowed anyone with a computer to publish a book. Today, there are millions of self-published books available on Kindle. The vast majority of books only sell a few copies. Most authors […]
Here’s an Objective Way to Measure Influence
One measure of influence is how much people have to say about something. There are many books and films about Jesus, World War II, and computers. That’s because these are influential topics that people care passionately about. Keeping this definition of influence in mind, an objective measure of influence for any topic can be how […]
It’s Finally Time to Burn All Your Books
Until recently, the surest way to erase history and destroy knowledge was to burn all the books. Thousands of years of human knowledge have been lost by fire and violence. The Library of Alexandria. Gone. Hundreds of thousands of books at the University of Louvain. Burned to ashes. Ancient Confucian teachings. Wiped out of history. […]
Use Body Mass Index (BMI) to Set Goals
Body Mass Index (BMI) is a simple calculation used to determine if you are underweight, normal, or overweight. It takes into account your height and your weight. You can calculate your BMI at this NIH website. Disclaimer: In this article, I discuss my own opinions and observations on health topics. I am not a doctor. […]