The average Briton has 26 accounts online that require passwords, and uses 5 unique passwords to get through each day. While that study was done on Internet-users in the UK, I think it holds true for much of the online community. Each person simply has too many online accounts and too many passwords to remember. And […]
Ideas: The Perfect Human Diet?
If you had to eat the same meals each day for the rest of your life, what would you eat? Many have tackled this question, but there is still no definitive answer. Each proposed diet either has deficiencies when followed long-term, is not suitable for everybody, or is so unappealing that it cannot be sustained. […]
Top 12 Vintage Movies
Usually, when I look for good movies to watch, I have a bias towards films released within the past couple of years. Those are simply the films I would most likely enjoy. It’s hard to find time to watch a lot of movies while raising three small kids and holding a full-time job, so […]
Will Potatoes Really Blow up If You Don’t Poke Them?
The conventional wisdom about baking potatoes passed down through generations of cooks is that if you don’t poke them, they’ll blow up. As a busy parent, I’m always looking for shortcuts in the kitchen. Poking potatoes before baking them was such a tedious chore that I eventually stopped doing it. What that a wise […]
Gopher’s Honey Cakes
When my daughter was three years old, she was a little obsessed with the book Bear Wants More, by Karma Wilson. She began taking an interest in the “honey cakes” that Gopher baked for Bear in the story. She started saying, “I want some honey cakes too!”. It was an interesting proposition, so I agreed to bake […]
Cooking with Books: Just Four Ingredients Fast!
While established cooks might scoff, cooking with recipes is the best way you can learn how to cook. All you have to do is find a recipe and follow the directions. Yes, you will make mistakes, but each time you work your way through a recipe, you learn more about cooking. It is a […]