Everything on your computer is a metaphor for something that exists in real life. If you can be a hoarder in real life, you can also be a hoarder in the digital world of your computer and the Internet. On second thought, if you are a hoarder in real life, you’re probably also a […]
Smartphones Are Killing off These Technologies
Calculators killed slide rules. Word processors killed typewriters. Automobiles killed the horse and buggy. CDs killed cassette tapes. DVDs killed VHS tapes. Streaming killed both CDs and DVDs. Technology marches on. We are always building upon past advances in technology to create new technology. New technology is always replacing old technology. As humans, we […]
The Customizable Home Layout
If you’ve ever been to a place that has a lot of conferences like a corporate headquarters or some hotels, you might notice that the conference room has movable walls. It’s one giant room, but there is a track where you can slide walls in to divide the room into smaller rooms. What if you […]
Starcraft: How to Have Fun and Mess with People
I have never been a competitive person. When I play games, including sports, my main purpose is to have fun, not to win. That has always put me at a disadvantage when playing games against more competitive personalities. But I don’t care. Especially in those anonymous online games, I love coming up with weird […]
Become Perfect This Year
The battlefield at Manassas New Year’s resolutions don’t stick because people are not proactive by nature. It’s something that takes work and motivation. Individuals who aren’t proactive tend to follow the path of least resistance. They do nothing until necessary. So how can you be proactive and make your resolutions stick? Drop the usual excuses. No time? […]
How to Become a Millionaire This Year
There is at least one habit all successful people have in common. They are all avid learners. They are not necessarily traditionally educated, and they don’t necessarily read books to learn, but they all make learning a priority. The easiest way to learn is to develop a habit of reading. Read every day. Read […]