I have several essays from my college years sitting around gathering dust. Instead of trashing them, I am editing them and putting them online. The following is one such essay. I wrote this one for a mythology class. *** Hospitality was important to ancient Greek society and was evident in the writings of the time. It was […]
Blog Idea #89 Revisited: Generate Backlinks
An excerpt from Blog Ideas: 131 Ideas to Kill Writer’s Block, Supercharge Your Blog and Stand Out A backlink is a link on another website that points to your blog. If you want your blog to rank higher in search results, you need to have as many quality backlinks as possible. There are many ways […]
What’s the Best Nutrition Bar?
The market for nutrition bars has taken off over the past few years. There are whole aisles in grocery stores dedicated to nutrition bars. There are hundreds of choices. Should you incorporate nutrition bars into your diet and workout regimen? Which one do you choose? Disclaimer: In this article, I discuss my own opinions […]
How to Solve the “Junk Wax” Problem
One of the most often cited problems in the baseball card collecting hobby is “Junk Wax.” Back in the 1980’s, baseball cards got so popular that the card companies cranked up production to unsustainable levels. It seems like everyone who was a kid in the 1980’s has a vast collection of baseball cards sitting […]
Blog Idea #47 Revisited: Know Your Audience
When writing blog posts, it helps to know who your audience is. What kinds of people read your blog? It may help to profile a few fictitious readers who represent your audience. Write down each character’s traits, what they do for a living, and what problems they have. Name them something memorable. For example, you […]
Authority Affiliate Marketing
One way to make money on the Internet is through affiliate marketing. It sounds scary, but it’s simple. Mention products and include special links for interested people to buy the products. Whenever someone buys a product using the special link, you get a commission. The concept is that simple. But the execution is harder. You […]