I’m exhausted. Three kids. Family trips. Endless work in between. Things changed. Change is good. The trips made memories of a lifetime. We enjoyed fun times. But too much change is exhausting. We need those down times when nothing much is going on, and there is not much change from day to day. I’ve […]
The Miracle Morning for Writers, by Hal Elrod, Steve Scott, and Honoree Corder
The original Miracle Morning book by Hal Elrod changed my life. Who knew that waking up earlier could have such a profound effect on my day? It is the basic idea of The Miracle Morning. Wake up one hour earlier than you normally do every morning. During that hour you will do six things: meditation, […]
Choose Yourself!
How you experience your life is all about your attitude. You can go through life seeing few choices, feeling trodden upon by the people around you, and having to do things you don’t want to do. Or you can see the silver lining in every cloud, find opportunities at every corner, and take full control […]
Why Facebook and Google Are Here to Stay
As of October 2018, the top five websites in the United States are Google, YouTube, Facebook, Amazon, and Reddit (according to Alexa). Odds are, five years from now this list will look pretty much the same. That’s because there is a network effect that makes it nearly impossible to draw users away from the […]
The Science of Getting Rich
Wallace Wattles is the godfather of the modern self-improvement genre. He wrote The Science of Getting Rich over a hundred years ago, but the concepts are still applicable today. It takes a little getting used to the vocabulary at first. He uses New Age-sounding terms like the “Formless Intelligence,” the “Supreme,” and the “Certain Way.” […]
We All Need to Eat Our Own Dog Food
Everyone wants to be wealthy and beautiful. It’s no coincidence that the most profitable niches in the self-help industry involve becoming rich and more attractive. There are hundreds, if not thousands of gurus online giving advice on how to make more money and look better. Whose advice should you take? The best way is […]