Diaries have been around for a long time. You use one to record your current thoughts so you can look back on them in the future.
The “Back Diary” is where you record your past and present thoughts so you can look back on them in the future.
A conventional diary starts when you start the diary. If you started the diary on May 1, 2015, the first entry of the diary would be May 1, 2015.
A back diary starts when you are born. If you started the diary on May 1, 2015, the first entry of the diary would be when you were born.
A back diary works the same as a regular diary, but it also enables you to enter memoir contents to previous dates. Each day, you can make an entry for the present but you can also make entries in the far past. For example, you can go back to your back diary entry for September 11, 2001 at any time and enter your recollection of that day.
As a software app, you should be able to attach any media to your back diary, similar to how you attach media in Evernote. For example, you can dig up pictures from August 8, 1992, and attach it to that date in your back diary. That way, the back diary becomes a chronicle of your entire life.
The purpose of the back diary is so you can search back on your life. It can come in very useful. Can’t remember when you bought your refrigerator for warranty purposes? Search it in back diary. Can’t remember when you moved to your current home? Search it in the back diary. Can’t remember the address of your childhood home? Search it in the back diary. Can’t remember the name of that fantastic Thai restaurant you ate at when you were visiting New York in the summer of 1997? Search it in the back diary. You get the point.
Back Diary would be like Evernote, but with an emphasis on chronology.
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