I’ve used my money in many ways during my adult life. Some things were a waste of money. Others were worth the money. This article is not about those things. This article is about the things I bought that were worth much more than what I paid for them. Some things you buy just overdeliver in every aspect. You can’t help but rave about them to anyone who will listen. This is a running list of my favorite purchases since 2012, and I’ve just updated it for 2021.
Starr Hill The Love (Crozet, VA)
I normally like the very dark, heavy beers, but sometimes I also like a good wheat beer. I like the flavor of this one and have bought it a few times.
O’Hara’s Leann Follain Irish Stout (Ireland)
I love barrel aged beer, and this beer is aged in whiskey barrels. I also love stout beers, and this beer is smooth like a Guinness. If you like Guinness like I do, this is the beer for you.
Blue Mountain Dark Hollow (Arrington, VA)
Like syrupy sweet dark molasses. Oak aged imperial stout.
Dogfish Head Chateau Jiahu (Milton, DE)
This is an ancient brew recreated from ingredients found in clay jars at an archeological dig in China. It tastes like Belgian ale with strong grape aroma.
Founders Breakfast Stout (Grand Rapids, MI)
I love stout beers. The darker the better. Founders Breakfast Stout is a winter ale that’s so good that I even bought the T-shirt for it when I visited their brewery in Grand Rapids, Michigan. It stands as one of my all-time favorite stout beers.
Epic Brewing Smoked and Oaked (Salt Lake City, UT) [discontinued?]
Once in a rare while I drink a beer and just have to go out and buy more of the same thing. Smoked & Oaked was so impressive that I went back to the store the next week looking for it, but it was sold out. I never did find it again, but will buy more than one bottle if I ever do see it again.
Samuel Adams Norse Legend (Jamaica Plain, MA) [discontinued?]
This is not the type of beer I normally prefer, as I tend to like really dark stouts, but this Sahti beer is really growing on me. In fact, I already drank about 5 bottles of the stuff (and I’m someone who rarely buys the same beer twice).
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