I don’t like to waste time. Some things like sweeping the kitchen floor, mowing the lawn, and walking the dog aren’t wasting time, but are time-consuming activities that we must do. These activities don’t take much brain processing power.
One way to make your time more productive is to listen to podcasts while doing menial tasks. If you are a writer like me, you can learn a lot by listening to author podcasts. But which ones?
Here are my favorite author podcasts, with my favorites first:
- The Sell More Books Show
- The Creative Penn
- The Book Marketing Show
- The Career Author
- The Book Editor Show
- Story Grid
- Writing Excuses
- Grammar Girl
- Helping Writers Become Authors
- Dead Robots Society
- The Creative Writer’s Toolbelt
What are you waiting for? Load up your podcast player and make the most of your time!
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