If the domain name you want is taken, sometimes you can tweak it a little to find a version that is available.
You can add prefixes or suffixes like -blog or -site. Engadget.com added the en- prefix. Friendster.com added the -ster suffix. You can also add an article like the- (theoatmeal.com) or a- (alistapart.com). Sometimes, it makes sense to make a word plural, like W3Schools.com. Other times, it might be appropriate to add a superlative like best- or fastest-, like BestBuy.com. If you get creative, you can also find words to attach to your name like -mastery, -guy, -girl, -method, -system, -information, smart-, or -hacking.
In April 2012, Matt Mazur of LeanDomainSearch analyzed a list of domain names to find the 5,000 most frequently used domain name prefixes and suffixes. The top 50 prefixes and top 50 suffixes are listed below.
Top prefixes
- my+
- the+
- web+
- go+
- super+
- free+
- green+
- net+
- new+
- pro+
- get+
- mobile+
- best+
- all+
- smart+
- social+
- easy+
- ad+
- digital+
- big+
- live+
- cloud+
- top+
- shop+
- tech+
- your+
- auto+
- global+
- love+
- eco+
- in+
- real+
- mr+
- art+
- just+
- team+
- one+
- open+
- you+
- world+
- hot+
- online+
- daily+
- ez+
- buy+
- blue+
- re+
- blog+
- click+
- china+
Top suffixes
- +online
- +web
- +media
- +world
- +net
- +group
- +blog
- +shop
- +book
- +store
- +inc
- +tech
- +design
- +box
- +now
- +site
- +news
- +app
- +club
- +pro
- +network
- +plus
- +tv
- +zone
- +link
- +co
- +cloud
- +it
- +life
- +works
- +city
- +hub
- +man
- +list
- +direct
- +info
- +central
- +marketing
- +usa
- +lab
- +house
- +solutions
- +me
- +art
- +music
- +host
- +home
- +market
- +guide
Disclosure: Links to Amazon.com are affiliate links. You pay the same price, but Amazon tosses a few pennies my way.
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