If you read other blogs, then you already have access to some potential traffic. All you have to do is update your profile to include your blog address and comment on those other blogs. If one of your comments piques enough curiosity, people will want to know who you are.
When you leave a response on a forum or someone else’s blog, you often can submit a website address along with your name. Sometimes your comment will display the website address alongside it. It puts your link on the forum or blog.
Spammers often abuse this technique. Don’t be a spammer. The Law of Internet Karma says that you will get deleted, banned, and ostracized when you do this. Instead, you want to be a prolific commenter who always has something valuable to say. People will look to you for advice. They will be curious about who you are. They will click your links in search of more information.
Find out where the readers of your blog hang out when they’re not at your site. It may be on other blogs. Or it may be on certain forums. Become an active reader of some of these other blogs and forums. Each day, spend a few minutes visiting them. Answer questions, take part and contribute. Traffic to your blog will increase as a side effect.
A tool that makes it easy to find blogs to comment on is Drop My Link. All you have to do is enter a keyword, and it will find relevant blogs where you can leave a comment. It is best to find blogs that are a little bit bigger than your own. You can gauge the “size” of a blog by how many comments an average post receives. It also helps to comment as early as possible after a new article is posted.
All good things take hard work to build. If you want to use blog commenting as a driver of traffic to your site, you must be consistent. Make a daily plan to comment on other sites. You can start small until the habit sets in. Post at least one useful comment a day on a site you read. After a year, you will have posted at least 365 comments. Each one of those comments will serve as a link pointing back to your blog.
Disclosure: Links to Amazon.com are affiliate links. You pay the same low Amazon price, but Amazon tosses a few pennies my way so I can save up for a lunch at McDonald’s.