One way to make money on the Internet is through affiliate marketing.
It sounds scary, but it’s simple. Mention products and include special links for interested people to buy the products. Whenever someone buys a product using the special link, you get a commission.
The concept is that simple. But the execution is harder. You need to mention the products in such a way that people would want to buy the products.
Steve Scott is an expert in affiliate marketing. In his book Authority Affiliate Marketing, he lays out 12 steps to make long-term profits in a single niche. He takes you through the process of choosing a profitable niche, finding affiliate products to promote, and crafting a content-rich website that attracts buyers.
It’s a short read but provides actionable steps to get you started in affiliate marketing.
Disclosure: Links to are affiliate links. That means I might make a few pennies if you buy the book from the link on this post. Yes, this article is an example of affiliate marketing in action.
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