When you have a problem, it is often difficult to see the solution when you are standing so close to it. The bigger the problem is, the harder it is to see the answer as you stand there with your face one inch away from it. You need to step back so you can see […]
How to Avoid Regret
A chalkboard stood in New York City inviting people to write their biggest regrets. What is your biggest regret? It is a challenging question that requires introspection and courage to answer. You can only regret after you’ve examined your past actions and compare them against your meaning in life. To write these personal inner truths […]
Streaming Your Reading
We are taught to read one book at a time, from beginning to end. But the Internet has trained us to get information in many small bursts throughout the day. Each day, we get information in tweets, status updates, blog posts, news headlines, and occasional articles. It is not necessarily bad. We just have […]
Artificial Creativity
I have a theory that computers can simulate creative art with a few general art rules and some randomness. When you create an image that nobody has ever seen before, you create art. But good artwork is also bounded by certain rules of design and application of art theory. The painter assesses the balance […]
Don’t Become a Digital Hoarder
Everything on your computer is a metaphor for something that exists in real life. If you can be a hoarder in real life, you can also be a hoarder in the digital world of your computer and the Internet. On second thought, if you are a hoarder in real life, you’re probably also a […]
Smartphones Are Killing off These Technologies
Calculators killed slide rules. Word processors killed typewriters. Automobiles killed the horse and buggy. CDs killed cassette tapes. DVDs killed VHS tapes. Streaming killed both CDs and DVDs. Technology marches on. We are always building upon past advances in technology to create new technology. New technology is always replacing old technology. As humans, we […]