When I had my first child, I made a child-proofing to-do list. One of the things on that list was putting child-proof locks on all the lower cabinet doors in the kitchen. I ended up only doing one—locking the cabinet under the sink where we store household chemicals—because buying the locks and installing them was […]
Take a Weekly “Natural Day”
There is growing evidence that unnatural things throw our bodies out of whack. Food preservatives are bad for you. Cell phone radiation is bad for you. Shampoo is bad for you. Even your daily multivitamin may be bad for you. This list can go on and on, but it all comes down to this: […]
The Future of Business
The fundamentals of how we make a living have evolved over the past few centuries. The changes were brought about by the Industrial Revolution and have accelerated alongside technological advances. Allow me to show you a gross oversimplification to illustrate my point: The distant past-1840: Doing things we hate for ourselves. We worked our parents’ trade […]
Best Podcasts for Authors
I don’t like to waste time. Some things like sweeping the kitchen floor, mowing the lawn, and walking the dog aren’t wasting time, but are time-consuming activities that we must do. These activities don’t take much brain processing power. One way to make your time more productive is to listen to podcasts while doing […]
The Best Book on Amazon, Ever.
Amazon.com has a page showing some all-time bests. I went in and looked at the data in an attempt to find the best book on Amazon, ever. Top 3 best-selling books of all-time Top 3 customer-reviewed books of all time Top 3 best books of all time Now to the fun part. Which from the top […]
Apple Music Took Away the Stars. Now What?
A couple years ago, Apple iTunes let you give each song a star rating of 1-5 stars. It was great and powerful, and it let me use “smart playlists” to create a tiered system for my music. Then iOS 10 came along and took away the star ratings. They might have also taken away […]