is an app for setting personal habits. You set the habits you want and check-in each time you complete the habit. You can also hire coaches through the app to answer your questions and motivate you to achieve your habit goals. also shows data on how many people set specific goals. This […]
The Five-Star Productivity Pack
A few years ago I purchased a bundle on StackSocial called The Five-Star Productivity Pack. It featured: It cost $59.99. I had been a happy subscriber of Evernote Premium, which cost $60 per year, so buying the bundle for $59.99 was a no-brainer. All of my subscriptions have since expired. In the end, I decided […]
The Public Domain
Copyright is the law that protects artists from other people copying their work. Copyrighted work includes books, music, movies, pictures, and other forms of expression. Every work of art is automatically copyrighted to the author. Under current law in the United States, copyright lasts 70 years beyond the death of the author. After the copyright […]
Selling with Incremental Pricing
Bumpsale lets you sell something using incremental pricing. It’s a novel and interesting way to sell things. Jason Zook (at the time known as Jason Sadler) came up with the idea to sell spots in his now-defunct T-shirt wearing business. I love the mathematical beauty of the process. The idea is like a hybrid between auctions […]
The Solution to America’s Gun Problem
There is an epidemic of mass shootings in America. Gun control advocates cite this as the reason why we need to adopt tougher gun laws to restrict the purchase and spread of firearms. Gun freedom proponents point out that mass-shootings would end with less loss-of-life if the public were armed. The solution to America’s gun […]
Metallica’s Greatest Hits?
Metallica released their tenth studio album to much acclaim in November 2016. It had been thirteen years since the release of St. Anger, which fittingly angered many of their fans. Their style changed—much like it changed with Load in 1996—but was ill-received. The new album, Hardwired… To Self-Destruct, is a return to the old. A […]