In his book, Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals, journalist Oliver Burkeman explores the failings of modern time management, as well as some mindset shifts that can help you make the best use of your four thousand weeks.
How to be Rich
I Will Teach You to be Rich, by Ramit Sethi teaches a very conservative, long-term approach to building wealth that shuns worrying about the small expenses, while instructing you to take action on the most consequential money decisions.
How to Write a Novel
Joanna Penn has been an inspiration to writers around the world for over a decade. Her most recent non-fiction book, How to Write a Novel, is aimed at writers interested in writing their first novel.
Advice for the Ages
The advice we give and the advice that we’re willing to take changes as we age. In each season of life, we face a different set of problems and seek a different set of answers. The issues that a teenager ponders are much different from the concerns of an octogenarian.
Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias, and How Not to Die from Them
All types of dementia are most prevalent among people over the age of 60. However, it is possible to occur in younger people. The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease.
Actions for Career
How do you know when you’ve found the right career for you? It’s when you can’t wait to get back to work. It’s when you wake up in the morning energized because you’re excited to see what’s in store for you that day. If you haven’t reached that point yet, move on.