I didn’t pay much attention to plugins when I first started blogging with WordPress. Then I started getting comment spam. It began as a trickle touting insurance, male enhancement, and gambling. Then it became an unmanageable torrent of comment spam. Hackers attacked my site with scripting and brute force password attacks. That’s when I realized […]
35 Fun Things You Can Do for Free
How much fun you have has no relation with the amount of money you spend. Having fun often has no price tag. Here are a few ways you can have fun without lightening your wallet. 1. Host a pot luck A pot luck is a meal you have with friends where each guest brings a […]
Bitcoin Exchanges
Different web-based cryptocurrency exchanges are popular depending on where in the world you live. Bitfinex is popular in Hong Kong. Coinbase is the biggest exchange in the United States. CoinSpot is big in Australia. The best way to find an exchange suitable for your needs is to do some research on your own or ask others what they use.
How to Manage Your Sleep Time
Most of us have a lifestyle that challenges our ability to have a good night’s rest. To make time for getting things done, we often sacrifice sleep. But that is not how things should work. We should schedule things more flexibly. You might have to choose between sleep and something else that is as important […]
How to Catalyze Your Destiny
You can’t be your best self unless you understand yourself. In his book Catalyze Your Destiny!: Discover Who You Are, Reveal Your Purpose, and Launch Into Action, Jordan Ring discusses many approaches to finding your strengths and then putting them to use to build a fulfilling life.
Trachea, Bronchus, and Lung Cancers, and How Not to Die from Them
The ACS estimates that in 2016, 224,000 new cases of lung cancer were diagnosed in the United States. In the same year, 158,000 died from it.