Parents should not let their children gear their lives to money-making schemes to the extent that they endanger their own lives. Former US president Barack Obama once said that “Money is not everything, but it makes a big difference.” Let your children know that life is sacred and money is temporary so they shouldn’t prioritize […]
Diarrheal Diseases, and How Not to Die from Them
Diarrhea is often a symptom of an intestinal tract infection caused by a parasitic, bacterial, or viral infection. Here’s how not to die from it.
Actions for Mindset
It’s hard to find success when your head is a mess. You might be your own worst enemy. But once you’re at peace with your mind, everything will fall into place. Why? Because your mental state is what drives all your actions. And your life can only improve through action.
Ideas for Blog Topics
A hook is the broad idea of your blog. It is like an elevator pitch. It is what you tell someone when they ask, “So, what’s your blog about?” One blog I built finally gained a fair number of readers. It was because it had an interesting hook: baseball card collecting. The hook was, “I […]
Bitcoin Wallets
A bitcoin wallet is an app that stores your bitcoins and keeps them safe. You also use them to carry out transactions on the bitcoin network. People use bitcoin wallets to make purchases anywhere in the world. The purpose of these wallets is to protect your bitcoins from thieves or hackers. They also simplify the […]
How Children Sleep
Sleep is something we share in common with most other living creatures in the world. Every single person spends a third of their lives sleeping. This time of reduced reaction to external stimuli and altered state of mind is necessary to the body. During sleeping hours, the human body goes through a significant number of […]