Beyond the technical standards that make the Internet work, there are few standards for websites to follow. “About” pages are standard, to show confused web travelers what they are looking at. “Contact” pages are standard, so people have a channel to communicate with the website owner. “Privacy Policy” pages are standard, to disclose how the […]
Volcanic Momentum
It’s one thing to set goals. But what happens after you reach them? Volcanic Momentum is about constantly moving forward in life. You don’t just set a goal, reach it, and stop. You blast through the goal and keep going, like an erupting volcano.
The ONE Thing
I used to pride myself on juggling several diverse interests, hobbies, and projects. From kendo to board games, cooking to writing in Chinese, or computer programming to intellectual property law, I tried to learn everything. Although I have gotten quite adept at some things, I never truly mastered anything. Then I read The ONE […]
Blog Idea #77 Revisited: Comment on Other Blogs
If you read other blogs, then you already have access to some potential traffic. All you have to do is update your profile to include your blog address and comment on those other blogs. If one of your comments piques enough curiosity, people will want to know who you are. When you leave a […]
Blog Idea #17 Revisited: Find a Keyword Domain Name
Google gives special treatment to websites with domain names that match search terms. If someone searches for “pet food,” Google is more likely to show results where the words “pet” and “food” are in the web address. You can use this information to your advantage. Make a list of all the keywords associated with your […]
Mentor Focus: Steve Scott
With the Internet and social media, almost anyone can be your mentor. They don’t even need to know you exist. Just pick a person whose work you admire and follow them on the Internet. In the Mentor Focus series, I profile the people I follow online. Before he began his Kindle book empire, Steve Scott […]