As the man’s boots crunched through the twigs and leaves along the mountain path, his thoughts went back to his wife. Her funeral was last Sunday. Breast cancer, and she was only forty-one. God had taken the last thing he truly loved in life. Now he just walked. Morning until night, he walked his empty Earth. Was God really so cruel?
Spring in the Garden of Inequality
“Good morning!” said one flower to another.
“Hi!” said the other flower, a bright yellow dandelion.
“I’m so glad it’s spring again,” said the first flower, a daffodil.
“The winter was so long. Now I can’t wait for the bees to find us,” said the dandelion.
The Tortoise and the Hare, for Writers
Hare was once boasting of his writing speed before the other authors. “I can write 10,000 words a day,” he said, “when I put forth my full productive effort. I challenge anyone here to write books faster than me.”
Tortoise said quietly, “I accept your challenge.”