I used to have an Apple computer, carry an iPhone, and listen to music on iTunes. A few years ago, I switched to a Google Pixel phone and never looked back. Why would I do such a thing? A number of reasons:
1. I found myself using Google apps instead of the default Apple apps (Google Maps, Google Keep, Google Docs, Google Gmail, Google Calendar, etc.).
2. Most of the world uses Android. Being in the technology field most of my life, I’ve recognized how much easier life can be if you just use the same technology most people use.
3. With a Google Pixel phone, I can use Google FI as my phone service. Google FI is cool because I can travel pretty much anywhere in the world and my phone will work with no extra charges.
4. My entire life is pretty much run off of Google’s cloud.
That said, I’m still using a Pixel 3 phone from 2018 and I’m in the market for a new one, which brings me to… my long-term stock pick of the month.
I’ve realized how much I love using Google products and services. Sure, they have flaws like any product (Google user interfaces suck!), but my life would be very different without Google around.
I made a $1K bet on Google stock (ticker: GOOGL) on August 15, 2023 at $130.23 per share. I plan on holding onto the stock for at least five years.
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