I took an interest in art when I was three years old. A family friend showed me his drawings of Donkey Kong and Eddie from the Iron Maiden album covers. Inspired, I went home and drew pictures of cars and ambulances in my bedtime storybook, then was promptly scolded by my mom for doing so.
In elementary school, my classmates would frequently say, “you’re going to be an artist when you grow up.” In high school, my art teachers recommended that I go to art school. My parents would not allow me to go to art school, so I studied computer science instead, while taking graphic design and painting classes on the side. I took enough art classes in college that I graduated with a computer science degree and a minor degree in studio art.
Now, twenty years later, I’m not a computer scientist or an artist by trade. I do intellectual property legal work for the government. But I’ve kept the pilot light burning all this time, and I think I’m ready to reignite some old passions.
All That Old Artwork
I never really counted, but I’m guessing that I have at least 20 paintings, 200 drawings, 100 graphics, and 30,000 photographs in my archive. I’ve posted a few of my favorites below, and will continue to post new ones in the future as I find time and passion. I also hope to create new artwork in the future.




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