One way to make learning history more attractive and intuitive is to show mock newspaper front pages. Each front page would show the current events of a particular time and place from the point of view of the time.
Each day in history can have its own mock newspaper front page. Each front page would take a significant time and effort to produce, so it would be more feasible to show world news at first. It would also be more achievable in the beginning to create newspaper pages only for significant dates in history. If time permits, the newspaper pages may expand to local news for different locations in the world. Various topics can also have their own sections, such as showing the sports section of the newspaper instead of just the front page.
The granularity of news would naturally get less precise the further you go back in history. For example, ancient times would feature fewer newspapers.
Do you know of any websites that tell history through newspapers? I would like to know about them in the comments.
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