Google is the biggest social network on the Internet. Each day, users upload billions of bytes of new content to the Internet. Google has taken it upon itself to index all of this content and make it searchable to us.
If you ask Google “how can I change my life,” or just “changed my life,” you get almost a billion results. I looked at the top results and found the common themes.
Get healthy
The most obvious way to change your life also happens to be one of the hardest. Get healthier. Remove the bad (smoking, drinking, sitting on your butt watching TV all day) and increase the good (eating better, exercising more). It takes sacrifice, willpower, and lots of sweat, but it will change your life.
Get your finances in order
Pay off your debts. Save more. Invest. Find ways to make more money. Every time you spend any amount of money, write down how much you spent and what you bought with it. Just having an awareness of your cash flow will help you get your finances in order, and getting your finances in order will change your life.
Get your head on straight
What is your purpose in life? Why do you get out of bed in the morning? It’s time for introspection. Start meditating, practicing mindfulness, and visualizing what you want in life. Remove the negativity from your life (media, negative people, worry, regrets), and increase the positivity in your life (thinking positive, having gratitude, complimenting others). It sounds like New Age woo-woo, but having the right frame of mind carries over to your actions. Religion is a more structured way to accomplish this. Getting in the right frame of mind will also change your life.
Get organized
Get rid of all the clutter in your life. You probably don’t need 90% of the things you own. If you don’t believe me, open a random drawer or closet. What percentage of that stuff have you used in the past year? If you haven’t used something for a whole year, you probably don’t need to own it. Getting organized will change your life.
Get productive
The only way to have a meaningful life is to take action. The more productive you are, the more action you can take. So wake up earlier, get the hardest task done first, focus, and stop wasting time. Taking action will change your life.
Get social
Reach out to successful people. Attend more networking events. Give as much as you can. Volunteer your time, donate your money. It all comes back to you in the end. Don’t be afraid to ask for the things you want. There are other people out there who want to help you, but you have to find them. Interacting with more people will change your life.
Get new knowledge
Build a habit of reading every day. Or listen to audio books. Or try new things. Or do something that scares you. Always be learning. Always be going to new places. Always be developing new skills. Being a student of life will change your life.
Get a makeover
The way you look affects how people perceive and interact with you. Change your look or your style, and people will interact with you differently. Modify the way you dress. Change your hair. Change your mannerisms. Getting a makeover will change your life.
Get married…
…or become a parent, or quit your job, or start a business. Certain traditional milestones in life are guaranteed to change your life. It’s hard to tell if passing another milestone will change your life for the better or the worse, but it will definitely change your life.
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