When you have a problem, it is often difficult to see the solution when you are standing so close to it. The bigger the problem is, the harder it is to see the answer as you stand there with your face one inch away from it. You need to step back so you can see the problem in its entirety.
Companies with big problems hire consultants. They don’t hire consultants because they can’t solve the problem themselves. They hire them because consultants see the big picture from the outside. They can see the entire problem as well as the obvious solution that may not be so obvious to people working within the company.
To solve your own big problems, you need to stop what you’re doing and take a few steps back. Look at the problem from a distance. Brainstorm possible solutions.
In his book Choose Yourself!, James Altucher suggests a daily practice of coming up with ten ideas each day. When you have a problem, I suggest taking the same approach. Write down your problem, then think of ten possible solutions to the problem. Don’t worry about if your solutions are bizarre or not optimal. What matters is that each solution is plausible. I call this a “problem/solution analysis”.
Once you have a list of ten possible solutions to your problem, go down your list and try each one. Chances are, at least one out of the ten solutions will solve your problem. If not, sit back down and come up with ten new ideas.
Many problems people have linger for the rest of their lives because the problems are tolerable and most people are too lazy or busy to take action to fix them. Make a habit of recognizing your problems and coming up with solutions each day. Take control of your life and Choose Yourself.
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