If the number of times I’ve read a book is any indication, The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss is one of my favorite books of all time. I must have read it at least five times. This book will teach you how to design your lifestyle on your terms by defining your dream lifestyle and increasing your productivity so that you have the freedom to pursue your dreams.
Here are my top 12 takeaways:
- Create a “dreamline” by listing things that you dream of having, being, and doing. Pick the most exciting dreams and identify the first steps toward achieving those dreams. Then get started today!
- Most things can be optimized using the 80/20 rule. That is, the top 20% delivers 80% of the results. Focus on the top 20% and put the rest on the backburner.
- If you give yourself a week to accomplish a task, it will take a week. If you give yourself two weeks, it will take two weeks to accomplish the task. Therefore, always set impossibly short deadlines on the important things.
- This is how you learn to speed-read: 1) Trace under each line with your finger as you read. 2) Read by focusing your eyes on the first and second halves of each line instead of single words. 3) Using these techniques, read five pages too fast for comprehension before reading at a comfortable speed.
- Most news you read is outside your sphere of influence and not actionable. You don’t need to waste your time reading news.
- Check email just once or twice a day.
- Batch together tasks that you have to perform regularly, like checking mail or doing laundry.
- Hire a virtual assistant to do tasks that are time-consuming, essential, and well-defined.
- Be on the lookout for possible “muses.” Muses are small niche businesses that tend to be a product that costs little to test and doesn’t require a lot of regular time commitment to run.
- Periodically take “mini-retirements,” where you relocate to another location for 1-6 months at a time.
- It’s okay to let small bad things happen so you have time for the life-changing big things.
- Minimize your options to be happier.
If any of these tips resonate with you, join my mailing list and download a free copy of the ShockNotes Summary of the 4-Hour Workweek.

Or better yet, buy a copy of the original book and read it in its entirety. It’s one of my favorite non-fiction books because almost every page is packed with actionable advice for crafting your dream lifestyle.
Disclosure: Links to Amazon.com are affiliate links. That means you pay the same low price, but Amazon throws a few pennies my way.
[…] read. By the way, if you’re new to the works of Tim Ferriss, I wrote blog post summaries of The 4-Hour Workweek and Tools of Titans. I also wrote a longer 5,000 word Summary of The 4-Hour Workweek that you can […]