You don’t have to limit your writing activities to the internet. Print publications like local newspapers, newsletters, and magazines also have audiences. Try submitting articles or letters to your favorite newspapers, newsletters, or magazines. When you do, see if you can also have your web address or blog name listed in your byline.
When deciding which print publications to submit your proposals to, go with the smaller, more local ones first. You will have a much better chance of getting published. Once you’re published and have some experience, try propositioning the larger publications.
Be willing to follow directions and learn. Remember, you are writing for someone else’s publication. You will have to work with their editors and write according to their specifications. The easier it is for them to work with you, the more chance they will let you write more articles for them.
If writing for a publication interests you, here are a few articles to get you started:
- How To Get Started Writing With Your Weekly Newspaper
- How can I get my Freelance Writing into Newspapers and Magazines?
- The 15-Step Freelance Writers’ Guide to Writing for Magazines
- How to Get Paid to Write for Magazines – The Ultimate Guide
- How to Write a Query Letter for Magazines and Other Publications
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