He was one of those people who’s just good at every sport. In high school, he played baseball, basketball, and was quarterback for the school football team. He excelled at them all.
Jason Giambi went on to play baseball for his college team, the Long Beach State 49ers, where he was a standout player. In 1992, Giambi was drafted by the Oakland Athletics in the second round. That same summer, he played baseball in the summer Olympics in Barcelona.
Jason Giambi was a 5-time MLB All-Star, but his legacy is marred by admissions of steroid use during his career. Soon after his steroid use came to light, he presumably stopped taking performance enhancing drugs, and his Hall of Fame-caliber performance dropped precipitously in the years after that.
Autograph Card
1996 Leaf Signature Series

Rookie Card
1991 Topps Traded #45T

Base Card
2003 Topps #30

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