Some websites make suggestions for what you should read next, like What Should I Read Next?, Bookfinity, Likewise, or YourNextRead. There are also reading lists on Amazon and Goodreads. While these are good starting points, I would like a much more sophisticated recommendation system.
I would like to see a highly customizable reading list generator that:
- lets me choose how long the list is
- allows me to choose what types of books to suggest (limit to certain genres)
- lets me select a recommendation algorithm to use (e.g. using Amazon reviews, or using friends’ lists)
- allows me to include constraints to the list (e.g. only 5-star Amazon books, or only books with at least 1,000 reviews)
- lets me choose a list update frequency (e.g. update the list every year, or update it daily)
- lets me name a custom reading list and share it
- generates a plan or pace for reading everything on the list by a specified date.
An app that does all of the above would be very useful to me for creating a reading plan each year. I currently do this, but manually.
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