Children generate a lot of artwork. Parents often want to save the artwork in case it has some meaning to the kids or parents when the children grow up. In the digital world we now live in, there needs to be an app for saving kids’ artwork.
I quick search turns up several apps that do this:
Or you can also save your kids’ artwork by creative uses of Evernote, Flickr, Facebook, Instagram, Google Photos, etc.
I have not looked into each of these apps yet. Perhaps some of them are perfect for this task. However, here are some thoughts on what features the perfect kids’ artwork app should have:
- Peace of mind that the artwork will be preserved for the long-term (we’re talking at least 30 years)
- Quickly take a picture of the artwork from your camera and upload it to the archive
- Essential photo editing functions in the app like cropping and brightening
- Easily download the maximum resolution images from the app to another device
- Ability to add metadata and tags to record the child’s name, location, media used in producing the art, date, title, school, and other notes
Have you used any kids’ artwork apps? Do any of them meet all of my qualifications? Did I miss any good ones? Let me know in the comments.
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