You deal with many people over the course of a day. You interact with family, send e-mails, make business transactions, and answer phone calls. In each of your interactions, your social skills determine the outcome. Emotional intelligence, confidence, communication, compromise, and integrity in daily interactions are important aspects of social interaction.
Actions for Personal Finances
Money doesn’t solve all your problems, but it does reduce worry. Your goal should be to accumulate enough wealth so that you don’t need to worry about what happens if you lose your job, or if you will have enough money in old age, or if you can put food on the table and a roof over your head.
Actions for Organizing Your Life
Your organizational skills are reflected in your reliability and neatness. Well-organized people are more reliable than those of us who leave clutter in our wake. You can count on them to remember appointments and arrive on time. They stay on top of things. They finish what they start before moving their focus to other things. Can people rely on you? How organized are you?
Actions for Social Skills
You deal with many people over the course of a day. You interact with family, send e-mails, make business transactions, and answer phone calls. In each of your interactions, your social skills determine the outcome.
Actions for Fitness
Diet alone will only get you so far. A diet without exercise will make you “skinny fat.” You will be skinny, but the mass you do have will be made up of fat, not muscle. It is also unhealthy. You want to be lean and fit. That’s where the exercise part comes in.
Actions for Diet
When most people think of the word “diet,” they think of eating (or starving) to lose weight. Diet has a much broader meaning. Your diet is the sum of your eating habits. It’s what you regularly put into your body for sustenance.