There is growing evidence that unnatural things throw our bodies out of whack. Food preservatives are bad for you. Cell phone radiation is bad for you. Shampoo is bad for you. Even your daily multivitamin may be bad for you. This list can go on and on, but it all comes down to this: you should suspect that anything unnatural might be bad for you.
Disclaimer: In this article, I discuss my own opinions and observations on health topics. I am not a doctor. The information here is only observations and opinions, not medical advice. Please consult your doctor before making any changes that might affect your health.
Note that I did not say that everything unnatural is bad for you, but you should turn a critical eye towards anything a caveman didn’t have access to. Cave dwellers probably didn’t have fresh breath and nice skin, and they didn’t live long lives, so I don’t recommend going Paleolithic for everything you do. However, you should think about things that you have and do right now that our ancient ancestors didn’t have. What are the benefits? Is it possible that it may be harming your health?
Here is an exercise I do once a week, usually on Saturday or Sunday. I take a “Natural Day.”
The Natural Day is a day to live as much like a cave dweller as possible without alarming your neighbors. Take a day off all non-essential medications and supplements. Eat only whole foods. Don’t use (or at least reduce) shampoos, soaps, and deodorants. Don’t shave. Don’t carry or use electronic gadgets like your cell phone or laptop.
It is a day where you enjoy the simplicity of life. Spend the day hiking. Take a canoe out and go fishing. Spend the day playing with your kids. Even if you don’t go all-out, simply being aware of all the unnatural things you are doing for one day a week will give you a greater appreciation of life itself.
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