If you’ve ever been to a place that has a lot of conferences like a corporate headquarters or some hotels, you might notice that the conference room has movable walls. It’s one giant room, but there is a track where you can slide walls in to divide the room into smaller rooms.
What if you use the same concept for private homes?
You can build a home as one giant room on each level. The homeowner can decide where to put all the walls. The home can have two big bedrooms or four small ones. Temporary rooms can be made when guests arrive. Walls can be moved aside when more space is needed. When the home is sold, the new owners can decide on the layout before moving in.
Such a home can use tracks to move walls. Or the walls, floors, and ceilings can be specially designed to mount walls in place.
One complication is electrical outlets, but that might be solved with a special mounting system.
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