Decision makers largely fall into two categories: Satisficers and Maximizers.
Satisficers set a standard and once they find a choice that meets that standard, they choose it.
Maximizers want to examine every choice out there and won’t make a decision until they consider every possible choice.
In general, satisficers are happier. But how can you be happier as a maximizer? The answer is curation.
Curation combines aspects of satisficers and maximizers. A good curated collection draws from every possible choice, but only includes the choices that meet certain standards.
How do you find a good curated collection? It can be as simple as asking your friends for suggestions. Bestseller lists are also curated collections. You can look at lists of award winners. A Google search for “best …,” “top …,” “best … 2022,” “top … 2022,” or “top ten …” will turn up many lists of curated options for you to consider.
If you are a maximizer, learn to embrace curated collections in your decision-making process and you will be happier.
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