The single most important thing to have for success is a good “attitude towards life.” How do you think? Are you a positive or negative person? Your thoughts have a massive impact on your life.
A person always thinking positive thoughts will see the silver lining in every misfortune. That person will always feel grateful and lucky. You might think such a person will have no ambition, but in fact, the opposite is true. A positive person feels that each new effort will have a positive effect, even if it ends in failure. Such a person will do things and perhaps fail at most, but always learn from the failures.
In his book Man’s Search for Meaning, Viktor Frankl chronicled his struggles as a Jew in Nazi Germany. He saw purpose in life even under the direst circumstances. He was a prisoner in the Nazi death camps during World War II. While many around him embraced negativity and died, Viktor never gave up hope. He clung to the hope that someday he will see his family again. He looked forward to pursuing his passions, even in the most desperate times. His positive thinking led him to life and success.
When you purge negativity from your life and embrace positivity, you see opportunities everywhere. Even the worst circumstances can hide opportunities. Negative people won’t even bother looking. But positive people will look past the bad and find the good hidden beneath.
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