Science is the explanation of how the universe works.
Everything can be explained with science. People who believe otherwise are confusing “science” with “known science.”
Not all of science is known. It is impossible to know all of science, because the universe is infinite, and thus the explanation for the universe is also infinite. Whenever we cannot explain a phenomenon using currently known science, we call it “paranormal” or “supernatural.”
There are so many instances in history where the unknown science at the time was labeled as paranormal or supernatural, but is easily explainable today using known science.
Sometimes the ocean retreats and disappears, only to return minutes later as a massive wave of destruction to kill all in its path. Today, we know this phenomenon as a tsunami because of our understanding of geologic science. However, in ancient times, what other explanation could there be besides the wrath of God?
Imagine if you could send a pair of walkie-talkies back in time to the 18th century. Without knowledge of the existence of radio waves, can you imagine how spooky those walkie-talkies would be? People in the 18th century would probably ascribe walkie-talkies to witchcraft or an unholy communication device of the Devil.
What phenomena do we witness today that cannot be explained by science? All of the paranormal or supernatural activities we know of today may seem spooky to us because they cannot be explained by modern science, but perhaps one day in the future, science will give us an “obvious” explanation.
Ghosts, UFOs, visions, and miracles all have sound scientific explanations. We just haven’t discovered them yet. Perhaps scientists should be looking in the most unscientific places for their next big discoveries.
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