Whether you’re an introvert or an extrovert doesn’t matter. The only way for anyone to gain a feeling of success in life is to help others somehow. You can achieve your life’s purpose but still feel unsuccessful. That is because if you helped no one along the way, nobody would notice.
To be successful, you need a vision for a better future. Then you need a product that inches the world closer to that vision. The product might not even be tangible. It might be a book. It might be a service you provide. It might even be the smile you give to the cashier at the grocery store who is having a bad day. The vision is your WHY. The product is your WHAT.
Act on it
What is your vision for the future? How do you want the world to be when you are 70 years old? Write it down. This is your Vision Statement. It is your WHY. The reason you do the work you do.
What is something you can do to get the world closer to your Vision? It can be as big as building a rocket to Mars. Or it can be as small as smiling to that cashier at the grocery store. Either way, it needs to be something that you can work on every day. This is your product. It is your WHAT. The result of your life’s work.
Further Reading
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