Disclaimer: In this article, I discuss my own opinions and observations on health topics. I am not a doctor. The information here is only views and opinions, not medical advice. Please consult your physician before making any changes that might affect your health.
For years I drank 4-5 cups of coffee a day to counteract the effects of sleeping only 4-5 hours a night.
Then I started hearing people say that drinking coffee is bad, and everyone should switch to tea instead. It’s healthier.
Once, I began the process of quitting coffee and drinking more tea instead. Instead of 4-5 cups of coffee a day, I began a regimen of one cup of coffee, three cups of matcha green tea, and three cups of yerba mate each day. I’d brew them strong, the way I liked it.
I was generally in great health when I saw my doctor at my annual checkup. A few pounds overweight, but otherwise everything was good.
When the blood tests came back, everything looked good except for one marker that was correlated with liver health. My liver was showing signs of deteriorating. The doctor scheduled another test in two weeks to confirm a problem.
That’s when my wife pointed out a fact that I hadn’t known before. She’s a nurse, and she had heard that too much green tea and yerba mate can damage your liver. I immediately quit tea and went back to coffee.
The new blood test showed my liver function numbers back to normal.
Green tea and yerba mate are good for you. But too much of anything becomes bad. Do your liver a favor and don’t overdo the tea like I did.
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