Money is what you get in exchange for helping someone else. It is an “I owe you” note. You help somebody, whether it’s your neighbor, a customer, or your boss, and they give you money in exchange for your time and effort.
The time and effort you spend to help somebody else is called “work.” To get money, you need to work.
Work can take many forms. It can be helping your neighbor mow the lawn, writing a book to entertain people, or doing paperwork for your boss. It is spending time and effort to help somebody other than yourself.
If you want money, you need to work. That’s where work ethic comes into play. Work ethic is how you integrate work into your daily habits. Work ethic is waking up every day at 5:30 AM without fail so you can be at work at 7 AM. Work ethic is writing 1,000 words for your novel every day before you allow yourself to take a break. Work ethic is always doing more than the customer expects.
Work ethic is how you integrate work into your daily habits.
Make good work practices a habit. Make good work practices something you do every day without fail. If you have a good work ethic, you will never worry about money.
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